|Homes and Care|

Beyond finding the homeless a place to stay for the night and a few meals, there are programs that exist to take care of the health of these homeless people as well.

Eliza Shirley House

The Eliza Shirley House provides housing for homeless families and children at 1320 Arch Street and has been doing so for 31 years. However, they have similar goals to CH2I as they also provide medical services. Services include:

  • Doctor visits with interns and nurses from Thomas Jefferson University and Drexel University
  • HIV Presentations about testing and counseling
  • An Empowering Women's Group program in which group discussion addresses stress, anger, shame, low self-esteem, and guilt.
  • A Women Organized Against Rape (W.O.A.R) program that assists women through counseling to begin to deal with their rape issues.
  • Mary Howard Clinic / The Health Center: Gives referrals to women without medical coverage.

Pathways to Housing PA

This program provides homes and services for people who have experienced chronic homelessness and suffer from serious mental illness, substance use disorder, and/or multiple other disabilities. They operate the Philadelphia Furniture Bank and redistribute donated, gently used furniture to individuals and families exiting homelessness and in other situations that put them in need Additionally, they restore health by providing low barrier primary care services, medication management, and the coordination of psychiatric and addictions services to our program participants, while respecting harm reduction as a method for achieving goals. The Integrated Healthcare Program was started in partnership with Thomas Jefferson University/Department of Family and Community Medicine and the Project H.O.M.E.’s Stephen Klein Wellness Center. Medical services are provided on-site at Pathways PA, in clients’ homes, during hospital visits, at Stephen Klein Wellness Center and at Jefferson Family Medicine Associates outpatient clinics. Services include:

  • Ongoing primary care
  • Acute care
  • Chronic disease management
  • Coordination of hospital to home transitions
  • On-site lab
  • Preventive care
  • Psychiatric services
  • Behavioral health services
  • Nurse care management
  • Peer-led outreach
  • Care coordination
  • Assistance with applying for health insurance benefits