The Homeless Health Initiative provides free health and
health-related services to families living in local emergency housing shelters. It is a volunteer
outreach program run by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Dedicated volunteers from the HHI —
including doctors, nurses, dentists, social workers and students — work to improve the health of
families experiencing homelessness by:
A six-week curriculum in a homeless shelter to train parents through attachment and trauma theory and help break the cycle of abuse and neglect.
Monthly health education workshops for parents experiencing homelessness to help them be effective parents and advocates for their family’s health.
Reaches out to hundreds of families in shelters through nutrition and fitness opportunities
Donate money to the Health Care for the Homeless Program! You can fundraise through a club, start a gofundme page, or even request friends to donate for your birthday. In addition, you can organize a donation drive for the three sites. Organize a donation drive for the arts programs. Items that can be collected include