This past March, Drexel University Circle K got together with other university Circle K clubs to put together self-care packages for the homeless, or what they called “Blessing Bags”. This community service organization is part of a larger Kiwanis family of linked community service clubs, ranging from elementary school to adult involvement. Within the collegiate branch of the Kiwanis family in Pennsylvania, the 2019-20 mission was to battle hunger and homelessness. Drexel University Circle K took that goal and decided to make an impact by helping the homeless with self care.

Located in Philadelphia, PA the students of this organization have seen the impacts of homelessness in person. With a Wawa that is notorious for having homeless people around the entrance on campus and Center City less than two miles away, Drexel University students understand there are many less fortunate than themselves. Each student has seen homeless people struggle with not only hunger but also poor hygiene. That is why they took the initiative to put together care packages that target hygiene, a form of preventive healthcare.

Each care package contains lotion, tissues, combs, pads, razors, and lip balm/chapstick. These packages were then sent to the Eliza Shirley house. The Eliza Shirley house is an emergency shelter for homeless single women and families. Drexel University Circle K hopes that these individual packages can be a nice addition to the small amount of things these people can call their own and give them hope to break the cycle of homelessness. The students also wish that as these people leave emergency housing they can use their care package and learn how to stay healthy.

Healthcare is important whether it be the doctors visiting the Eliza Shirley House or personal hygiene. Drexel students look forward to making more impacts amongst the homeless, contributing to healthcare in ways that don’t require a degree but only a heart that cares.